

In the version 6.7.1 property TXlsFile.RecalcForced no longer exists. What is alternative for RecalcForced = False ?

TIA and best regards



The reason we removed Recalcforced is that was doing nothing for some years already, as explained in

Here is the text:

So it depends in why you were using it. If you are not sure, just remove the line, it is very likely it was doing nothing anyway.
If you were using RecalcForced to avoid the dialog "Do you want to save changes?" when you open and close a file in Excel without changing anything, use RecalcVersion ( ) instead:

xls.RecalcVersion := TRecalcVersion.Excel2016;

This will of course prevent the files from being saved up to Excel 2016, when a new version comes up the dialog will too. This is just how Excel works.

Thank you, Branko