Products registration


Last year, at the time when a registered my first product with you, the registration was supposed to be valid for 02 (two) years or up to the next main version number and subversion minus one, e.g, I registered when the version was 5.8 and it could go up to 6.7. Well, to my surprise I just accessed my account information and I saw that my registration time was set, now, to 01 (one) year and not 2 (two) as it was contracted. What is going on? Why this change AFTER what was initially contracted? I've observed this situation for both Intraweb products that I've contracted from you for 02 (two) years of updates. I think that changing the update policy AFTER it was contracted is not a good practice to be done.

 Joao Lira.

This change of display on the "My products" page is an unfortunate side-effect. A change of course doesn't apply to any license purchased before the change. We'll check to correct this incorrect display on your "My products" page as soon as possible. It will not affect your license in any way, everything will be fullfilled according to your purchase.


Thank you, Mr. Bruno, for your response.

 Joao Lira.