Problems with updating maps when quickly moving the marker on the map

I wrote a code that moves markers along GPX tracks at a speed of 1 second to 1/10 second. After a short time of playing this code, the playback freezes and it is impossible to even move the map or change the scale, i.e. everything freezes. Perhaps these are leaks? When trying to crash the application, it terminates with an exception.

In addition, every time the position is changed, all objects on the map blink. How can I fix this? Using BeginUpdate does not help.

Please tell me what the problem could be?

I change the coordinates with the following instruction:
Label.Coordinate:= PL.Coordinates[ PL.Coordinates.Count - 1].Coordinate;


We are not aware of any issues with moving a Marker position. Although performing a high number of changes in a short amount of time can be problematic as this is not really intended usage of the component and the mapping APIs.

Can you please provide the following information so I can further investigate this for you?

  • Which version of Delphi are you using?
  • Which mapping service are you using?
  • A ready to run sample project that demonstrates the issue.

I use Delphi 12.2 and TTMSFNCOpenLayers.
I can attach an example a little later.

You can see short video here -