Problems with GCalendar (Firemonkey)


i have some problems with Google Calendar and Firemonkey.

I have the full version of cloud pack for Firemonkey and the Demoversion of Cloudpack for VCL.

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With the VCL Version of TMS Cloudpack it works perfect. I can connect to the calendar, can create and delete items. No problem.

I compiled the demo (GCalendarDemo) for Android. After the connect dialog i get a mesagewindow "Diese seite kann nicht angezeigt werden" after 1 or 2 minutes the app loads the calendar. But the complete calendar from first to last item. Creating or delete items is not possible.

I tried the firemonkey for windows version of the GCalendar Demo. Here i get the loginscreen and then a errormessage "Diese Seite kann nicht angeziegt werden " After this...... nothing.

I try to create a new account. Create new AppKey and AppSecret but nothing, Everytime the same errors. With VCL Cloud Pack all works fine.

I use Rad Studio XE5 Pro. Update 2.

Somebody has an idea where the error or the problem could be?

Thanks Frank


We have investigated this here and have applied a fix for this. The demo does not actually delete a calendar item. It only clears the edit controls in the demo. The next version will have the adding of items correct. 

Kind Regards, 


and where can i get the fix?

rgds Frank

Please contact us by direct email so we can send you an incremental update.

Kind Regards, 
I've written three mails. Saturday i get the answer

Dear Mr. Matthiensen,I suspect you created a wrong application type via Google. Can you make sure to select a client application type and not a web application type."

I answered with screenshots of my Google-AccountSetup, but I got no answer.

This morning I have written a mail direct and a mail by support form, but i got no answer.
Where exactly do I send the mail?



Email has been answered with the source as an incremental update.

Kind Regards, 