Problem with THotKey on TAdvTabSheet

Hi everyone,

I've got a problem using a TJvHotKey (THotKey is the same problem) on an
TAdvPageControl (TTabSheet logically).
When I put an THotKey-Object on the TabSheet it doesn't show the current
Hotkey. In designmode in Delphi you would see this already.
Put this on an "normal" TabSheet/PageControl worked.
I've build an example-app so you would simply see this.
I use Delphi XE on Win 7.

Thanks for listening and have a great day.
Greetings from germany

The difference is that TPageControl has by default DoubleBuffered = false and TAdvPageControl has by default DoubleBuffered = true. Setting TAdvPageControl.DoubleBuffered = false makes it behave the same as TPageControl or setting TPageControl.DoubleBuffered = true makes it the same as TAdvPageControl.

Thanks for the quick answer, you are right, it worked while runtime when set DoubleBuffered to false on Create. But why isn't it published? Any reason, or just to minimize the count of properties?

Greetings from germany

Not sure what version you look at but in our latest version, the DoubleBuffered property is published.


I use v2.0.0.4 of TAdvPageControl.
In Version-History there is no remark for this "improvement".

Greetings from germany

The latest version is and this property is published in

In german it's "lustiger Zufall" it seems to be translated by "funny fluke", but maybe not. :-)

Greetings from germany