Problem with RTF stored in DB as BLOB

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Please create a test project. It's easy and fast. Within 20 minutes. I give the whole procedure
DB table with a single BLOB field
Create three empty records BLOB = null
Create a form to browse the records of this table.
Use there:

  • TFDTAble
  • TAdvRichEditor
  • TDBAdvRichEditorRTFIO
    Testing procedure:
    Always Table.Edit first
  1. Select the first record and enter RTF without formatting: font: normal, black. Save.
  2. Select the second record and enter the rich text format: font: bold, red. Save.
  3. Select the third record and enter RTF without formatting - bold and red will be displayed. Select everything and set the font: normal, black. The cursor (caret) will always / always bold, red. Save.
  4. Quit the application and start it again. Choose between the individual records and check the correct display.
    I wish you a lot of success.

Please check the demo

I looked at him. I wrote here that:

  • the first record is a red image
  • the second entry is red text. I don't think so. Font color cannot be changed.


Is the second text red?
I will try it. It seems to me that the new record could not be saved.

I don't understand why it doesn't work for me :hot_face: :hot_face: :hot_face: :hot_face:

Do you use the latest version?

I think I've definitely found the cause. I use TAdvXXXRibbonToolBar. When I put it in the sample project and connected it to DBAdvRichEditorRTFIO1, it started to behave as I describe it.
I enclose a modified demo.
View the second - third and second record. (2.4 MB)

Please watch the attached demo? There you can see the mistake!

We've seen an issue with the toolbar colorselectors and applied a fix that will be in the next update.

Hooray. Finally!
Font.Style change is ok? That's a problem for me.

Again, what exactly is wrong with
I cannot see an issue here with font style handling.

There are more BLOB texts in the DB. Some of them have the last word Font.Style = bold
When you change records, the text appears with a bold word at the end. When you select another entry, the entire text is displayed in bold. The "Bold text" button is selected. It is not regular.

We applied a fix.

Excellent. Maybe I won't find anything else :grinning: