FindAndReplace did't work correcly, I think. Here is a litte Minimal-Demo:
AdvMemo.zip (6.9 KB)
After program start, type somthing like
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Then press Save. Now you can press SearchAndReplace-Button.
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So far as expected. All ist fine.
Then press Load. You'll get back the original text:
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Then press SearchAndReplace-Button again, and nothing happens
You can also restart the App. After pressing Load & SearchAndReplace, nothing happens.
Thanks and Best Regards
Martin Specht
Change your code to:
Ok, changed the code. And the first SearchAndReplace-Button-Call works as expected.
I'll get this:
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Changing this manually to
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And pressing the S&R-Button again, I'll get
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Press it again, I'll get:
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I am a little bit confused
Pressing S&R again, nothing happens.
Thanks and Best Regards
Search & replace always starts from the selection.
If you want to perform the replacement on the entire memo, change your code to:
> procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
> begin
> AdvMemo1.GotoBegin;
> AdvMemo1.FindAndReplace(Edit1.Text,Edit2.Text,[frReplaceAll,frDown])
> end;
Ok, I understand. That means the cursor position is relevant for the find and replace area.
Thanks and best regards
Find starts from cursor position.