Problem with AdvAppStyler and Ribbon


I am using a ribbon inside a form that is styled with an AdvAppStyler. The style is set to "tsWindows7".

When i start the application the ribbon is empty! It seems that the ribbon does not get painted.

When i resize the form (make it a little bit bigger in X-direction) the ribbon is repainted and displayed as it should.

I habe tried to Update/Repaint/Invalidate the ribbon on startup (in the OnShow event of the form) with no success. Only a manual resize of the form repaints the ribbon.

When i set the style to another value (window 8 for example) the ribbon is painted correctly on startup.

What can i do? I am using the current component pack (version of AdvToolbars and menus is according the the "About" menu item)

Thanks in advance,

Is this TMS Component Pack v7.7.4.0?
I cannot see an issue here so far. Do you see this issue with any of our demo apps? If not, do you have more details / steps to reproduce this?

No. Its curently (had not the time to udate yet).

Mightbe impotant: I am using Delphi XE2 (forgot to mention that)

I have just created a ribbon application, added the stylers and setup the style to Windows7.

I will test the demo application when i am back on the PC where my Delphi is installed (maybe tomorrow)

There were improvements in the ribbon in, so I'd suggest to test with this latest update.


I have just tried it with the RichEdit-Ribbon demo application and i see the same effect (only with the Windows 7 setting).

Now i will download the current version and try it.



My download of the current version failed :-) (broken DSL connection)

Because of the download limit of one download per day i will have to wait until tomorrow to try it again.


The download counter was reset. You should be able to download again now.


Thanks for resetting the download counter!

And: Good news! With the current version it works as expected even with the Windows 7 setting!
