Problem multiple Google services

I have an issue trying to connect to Google Contacts after connecting to Google Calendar - after a DoAuth call from TAdvGCalendar I can read what I need from Calendar, I then want to read contacts from Google Contacts so I issue a DoAuth call from TAdvGContacts which generates the error 'EIdSocketError with message Socket Error #10048 Address already in use'

What am I doing wrong?


This issue has been fixed.
The update will be available with the next release of the TMS Cloud Pack.

As a workaround you can use the following method to authenticate for both Google Calender and Google Contacts at the same time:
- Add the AdvGCalendar.Scopes to AdvGContacts.Scopes.
- In AdvgContacts.OnReceivedAccessToken do:
  AdvGCalendar1.TokensAsString := AdvGContacts1.TokensAsString;
- Use AdvGContacts.DoAuth to authenticate for both Calendars and Contacts.