Popup form full screen

hi i've :

With frmDMM_IE Do Begin
Border:=fbDialogSizeable; //fbDialog;

But when i resize manually the form get this error :
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'getBoundingClientRect' of undefined | ...

is possible to have a full screen when form show ?


What are you doing different from the MultiForm demo (Demo\Basics\MultiForm) where you can select a resizeable popup form?
In our demo, we do not see an error, so you must be doing something different.

Try to move form first and after to resize with mouse on the bottom rigth corner... i will send you my form

IMPORTANT : is possible to have form full screen on show ?

I cannot reproduce this with our demo Demo\Basics\Multiform.
So, again, what exactly are you doing different from the demo?

hi bruno i sent you a mail on Info ... Bye

hi, any news for me ?

We could not yet allocate sufficient time.

Ok i understnd bruno, but i need to solve urgently the record insert problem from the demo i sent you, because i'm freeze for that. Try to help me please.
Thank you