plannerheaderdragdrop and dbdaysource.resourcemap

when I load the planner I read the order of the positons from a ini file and change the positionindex of the items in the resourcemap. This works.

When I change the order of the positions whith dragdrop this works but I does not update the positionindex on the items.  It just changes the order of the items in the resourcemap. This is not correct

When I move postion Miato postion of Carl I get this:

Actually Mia is the first positon (postionindex=0) and Carl on the second and Katty on the 3th but this is not reflected in the resourcemap.


We've fixed this.
Workaround for now is to implement the OnHeaderDragDrop event and from there update the PositionIndex of the items in the ResourceMap.

ok, thanks