Planner - Slow moving Planner Item

Hi there

I sometimes I have a planner with some 500 Planner Items, plus another 200 hidden items.

Moving a Planner Item is really slow.  Checking the code I see PlannerItems.ResetUpdate is called, which in turn calls SetConflicts.  The code for SetConflicts is the culprit.

Blanking out this code really speeds things up again!!!!  Im not bothered about Item.Conflicts etc.....

What is the difference between  SetConflictsNonGen and  SetConflictsGen?

Do you have any suggestions how I could speed things up when moving items??



Hi there

Just to confirm, Im using Delphi Tokyo with the latest component pack.  Also  SetConflictsNonGen seems to work marginally better.....

