Pas2js compiler locks up when trying to convert the following pas lines. V2.5.4.0

The pas2js compiler locks up which caused the RAD IDE to lockup requiring the process to be killed via task manager.

LoginHistDataset.QueryText := 'select * from LoginHistory where UserLink=' + UsersDataset.FieldByName('ID').Value;


LoginHistDataset.QueryText := 'select * from LoginHistory where UserLink=' + IntToStr(UsersDataset.FieldByName('ID').Value);

However, this works:

LoginHistDataset.QueryText := 'select * from LoginHistory where UserLink=' + EDRecordId.Text;

I tested this and the first 2 do not compile but do not lockup anything here.
Value is declared variant. If it is a string, cast it to a string.

Bruno, It is a Miletus project. Not just straight web core. Here is an screen shot of the lockup. This was originally a web app so I created the Miletus project and copied and pasted the controls from the onto the main form.

I cannot reproduce this, even in a Miletus project. I also see technically no reason that the pas2js transpiler would behave different for Miletus than for a straight web app.
These first 2 lines of code do not compile in a Miletus app and after fixing these 2 lines, the compile & run works.
If the problem persists, isolate this and send a sample source project with which this can be reproduced in a clean TMS WEB Core v2.6.0.0 setup.

I updated the compiler with the version It does not freeze up during the compile however I am getting an error in the Mietus project. Needed to include the Vcl.Graphics .pas to fix.

[Error] Main.pas(473): identifier not found "clBtnFace"

clBtnFace is included in unit WEBLib.Graphics, so please add this unit to your uses list