Open Source Project


we are evaluating the possibility to use TMS Components in a
new open source project. Clearly, in the case, we are going to declarate
that "... the source must be compiled with Delphi XExx with previously
installed TMS Components xxxxxxxx...". We are NOT going to distribute
the TMS sources, that's for sure.

In your FAQS i read that

The license agreement prevents you from:

  • distributing parts or full source code of any component from TMS software.
  • using parts or full source code of components from the TMS software for creating any type of other components that are distributed or sold with or without source code.
  • changing the source code of any component from TMS software and sell or distribute this as a modified product.
  • creating a descendant compiled product such as OCX, ActiveX, .NET, Web, VCL control and sell or distribute this as a product

So i have three general questions:

1) can we create an open source project, use your components in the project, and declare that the source must be compiled with PREINSTALLED and licensed TMS Components (choosing the right license for the open source code, obviously) ? We violate your license in some way ?

2) can we distribute freely the binary version of the project without violate your license (i think yes, but i have to be sure...) ?

3) (referring to the part
  • using parts or full source code of components from the TMS software for creating any type of other components that are distributed or sold with or without source code.
  • creating a descendant compiled product such as OCX, ActiveX, .NET, Web, VCL control and sell or distribute this as a product
)  if i derive a new component from one of yours, can i include this descendant component source in the project, without YOUR sources ( i think it's not permitted, but i have to be sure...) ?

Thank, ciao !

Arnaldo Caliari

  1. That is correct and permitted
    2) Yes, you can do with binary applications what you want
    3) Yes, if our sources are not included, that is allowed

Thank you Bruno, perfect !
