onVoiceReady... voices are ready ?

I have a problem with SpeechSynthesis. I don't want to use ConfigureVoices because the voice is freely chosen by the user without the need of a dialog box.
When I launch my application, there is no voice, they are loading.... so it is impossible to use them before the onVoiceReady event.
I do "Application.processEvents" with "sleep" in a loop, 5 to 6 iterations are generally necessary so that the voices are loaded but it seems to me a little crazy to do like that!
Could we have a "Loadvoices" or "waitforVoices" method?
Obviously, I may have missed something...
Thanks for your answers.


The OnVoicesReady event is triggered from the browser who fetches these voices asynchronously. This event is necessary to use the component. After the event you can check the voices property to see the available voices.

You should be able to just subscribe to the OnVoiceReady event and do the rest of the initialization afterwards.

If this isn't what you were looking for, please provide more details so that we can help you further.

With kind regards

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