OnPolyElementMouse... events with Clickable = False

Hi, in TTMSFNCGoogleMaps, the OnPolyElementMouse… events are fired only if TTMSFNCGoogleMapsPolygon.Clickable = True. Is it possible to fire these events with Clickable = False? If not, is it possible to change the cursor of the TTMSFNCGoogleMapsPolygon? Thanks.


I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly.
The Clickable Boolean property is designed to enable or disable the OnPolyElementClick event. When this event is enabled, the cursor will change as expected when hovering over a polygon

Hi Bart, ok, but Clickable also enables or disables the OnPolyElementsMouseEnter and OnPolyElementsMouseLeave events. I’d like to have these events fired even when Clickable is set to False.

This behavior is by design in the Google Maps API, and unfortunately, we have no control over it.

As documented in the Google Maps API reference: PolylineOptions.clickable.

I recommend adding the necessary code in the OnPolyElementClick event handler to determine whether an action should be executed.

Thank you Bart.