OnGetText event in FNCDataGrid with FNCDataGridDatabaseAdapter

I've a problem with OnGetText event in FNCDataGrid with FNCDataGridDatabaseAdapter. Basing on your demo UBiolifeClientDataSet I prepared simple OnGetText event. On ClientDataSet1 I opened Fields Editor, I added all fields. On field "Length (cm)" I added event OnGetText:

if Sender.AsFloat > 50 then Text := 'Big' else Text := 'Small';

After running application in column "Length (cm)" nothing happens (at FNCGrid with FNCGridDatabaseAdapter it works). I added at TMSFNCDataGridDatabaseAdapter1 at column "Length (cm)" HTMLTemplate <#Length (cm)>. Now column "Length (cm)" display strings Small or Big. Can you look at this problem, please.

I'm working with version on Delphi 11.3 VCL

Thanks for reporting, we have fixed this here, next version will address this.
