NSRichtextView painted at wrong position

I use a TFrame object with a NSRichTextView in it which is invisible at start-up of my app. When making it visible, it es shown at a completely wrong position. If I do the very same with a TFrame containing a TMemo object instead, everything works fine. Thus there seems to be an issue with the positioning of the TMS component. A first guess is that it is drawn independent of the position of the parent object.

How to fix this?

Unfortunately frames are not supported right now. The NSRichTextView is actually a real native macOS control that lies on top of FMX controls and positioning is something we need to control manually. We'll investigate the possibilities.

Okay, I see. Could you give a hint where in code positioning is done such that I could patch it myself?

Any feedback?

The code should be in FMX.TMSNativeBaseControl in the method "UpdateFrame"

Thanks for the answer. I found the related code and could improve it for my application (the result still is not 100% convincing). However, I wonder why you wrote above that frames currently are not supported for the code has a special condition "if (Parent is TFrame) then" in oder to do the positioning within frames.

The code added a check based on customer feedback in older IDEs, but the implementation has meanwhile changed in newer IDEs and hasn't been adapted yet, therefore we do not claim anymore that frames are supported. It has to be fully reworked to support frames again.

In case someone is interested in getting that work, here is the fix that for me works pretty good to place components within a frame:

if (Parent is TFrame) then
frmr.origin.x := Self.Position.X + (Parent as TFrame).Position.X;
frmr.origin.y := Self.Position.Y + (Parent as TFrame).position.Y;
var p := (Parent as TFrame).Parent;
while Assigned(p) do begin
if (p is TControl) then begin
frmr.origin.x := frmr.origin.x + TControl(p).Position.X;
frmr.origin.y := frmr.origin.y + TControl(p).Position.Y;
p := p.Parent;