New TMS WEB Core version and css files


I see that in the new TMS Web Core version added a new feature "Project CSS file added to new projects automatically". It is one main css file for the project and ok, but maybe good idea will be to add different css file for the different unit where we have currently html and dfm file in this place in the screen below as the Unit1.css file.
It is useful because we will possibility to e.g. change the meaning of the css class from the main Project1.css.
What do you think about this?


It can already be done manually now to add a CSS per form.
Not sure if we would also need to do this automatically and this would not be too much overkill. I also believe that it is an advantage to centralize CSS as much as possible.

Ok ... than I will use mixed technic ... Project1.css as a global css and inside the html files ... in style tag.