New in Version Odd Timezone behavior in Chrome

I have a StartTime field using UTC in my IndexedDB and, absent Holger's favorite NowUTC in WEB Core, I've been calculating the UTC equivalent to local time for a WebDBGrid n-day interval filter with the following expression.

BaseFilter := '(StartTime > ' + FloatToStr(TTimeZone.Local.ToUniversalTime(Now)) + ') and (StartTime < ' + FloatToStr(TTimeZone.Local.ToUniversalTime(Now) + seNumDisplayDays.Value)+')';

Until version, this has worked in all the browsers that I've tested. It still works, except in Chrome (both desktop and Android) where it returns a different result now. I think it simply returns the local time value. Any idea what's going on (and how to fix it for all browsers now)?

PS: I just tested Safari on an iPhone and found that it also gives the "wrong answer" now.

What is "wrong answer"? What "different result" do you see?
Can you please be more precise in your problem reports?

I tested this here with:

s := FormatDateTime('dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss', TTimeZone.Local.ToUniversalTime(Now));

and it returns the correct UTC time for me on Chrome.

Thank you for following up. Sorry, I was trying to be precise by providing a specific piece of non-context-sensitive code and pointing out that it does not yield in version the same results in Chrome and Safari that it does in FF, Opera, etc. I'll provide a small test project later today if I can reproduce the issue there.

Double sorry. It was all a mistake. I had thought that I was running both Chrome and the other browsers against the same database. It turned out that they were not the same and that was why the results differed.

Please delete this issue report thread.