It depends in how you are using the name itself. If you are writing in the file:
(as you would normally do for any Excel function)
Then FlexCel will take care of the gory details, you don't need to do much.
If you are writing:
Then yes, you would have to do something as you said (with TryGetString)
The other thing is if you want a range of cells, or just one cell. If you are doing just one cell (a single double value) as I think you are, then just using TryGetDouble will work.
FlexCel has some UDF implemented itself (UDFs available in Analytics packs or other Excel Addins). You can see an example of getting a single value for example in _CalcPack.IsOddImpl
The function is as follows:
function TIsOddImpl.Evaluate(const arguments: TUdfEventArgs; const parameters: TFormulaValueArray): TFormulaValue;
Err: TFlxFormulaErrorValue;
value: RealNumber;
if not CheckParameters(parameters, 1, Err) then
if not TryGetDouble(arguments.Xls, parameters[0], value, Err) then
value := FlxMath.Truncate(value);
Result := Floor(FlxMath.Modulus(value, 2)) <> 0;
And you'll see it handles named ranges just fine. If you write =IsOdd(MyName) in Excel, FlexCel will recalculate it correctly.
For an example of a range that might be more than one cell, you can look for example at _CalcPack.BaseGCDLCM
function TBaseGCDLCM.Evaluate(const arguments: TUdfEventArgs; const parameters: TFormulaValueArray): TFormulaValue;
Err: TFlxFormulaErrorValue;
Agg: TGcdLcmAgg;
if not CheckParameters(parameters, -1, Err) then
if Length(parameters) = 0 then
Agg := CreateAgg;
if not TryGetDoubleList(arguments.Xls, parameters, 0, -1, Agg, Err) then
Result := Agg.Value;
In this case, we use TryGetDoubleList and an aggregator.The aggregator is a function that you will apply to all the cells in the range, so you don't copy the cells into an array, then process the array, then return the value. Say you want to calculate the sum of a range: Then the aggregator will be called by every cell in the range, so you can calculate the sum. You won't get an array of doubles with all the values, which would use a lot of extra memory and be more inefficient.
There are other methods that you could use, like TryGetCellRange which would return the range of cells you entered as a parameter to the formula ( no matter if you used a reference like A1:A3 or a name like MyName), but this is more for special cases. In your case I think you should be covered with TryGetDouble and TryGetDoubleList only.