Multiple OrderBy fields in query


I am having trouble sorting a query by multiple fields. The following works:

Result := Components.ObjectManager.Find<TFormTypeInfo>.Where(Linq[STRfIsDeleted] = 0).OrderBy('FormName').List;

But if I try to sort on multiple fields

Result := Components.ObjectManager.Find<TFormTypeInfo>.Where(Linq[STRfIsDeleted] = 0).OrderBy('Scope, FormName').List;

I get an error

'Property "Scope, FormName" not found on class...'

I am certain that there is a property and a column named 'Scope'.

How can I sort on two columns?



Hello David,

You must use multiple OrderBy:

Result := Components.ObjectManager.Find<TFormTypeInfo>
   .Where(Linq[STRfIsDeleted] = 0)