Multiple levels inheritance


If I have the following hierarchy : Son inherits from Father, and GrandSon inherits from Son. And if I want to use the joined table strategy.

I would have something like :

TFather = class
    FId : Integer;

TSon = class(TFather)
    //Some Fields, but no "FId" field since the primary key here is a foreign key referencing Father(Id)

The problem now is that if I do this :

TGrandSon = class(TSon)

I have the following exception at runtime when trying to update the database : "EColumnMetadataNotFound : Column "Id" not found in table metadata "Son" "

I assume it's because it cannot find a FId field in the TSon class.. but it's not supposed to have one in my case.

Any hint on what I should do to fix this issue ?

You just need [Inheritance] attribute to be in the base class of hierachy (TFather). You don't need to add it in TSon class.

Alright, thank you !