Multiple Executables

I'm planning to use TMS Security with a suite of executables with the idea of a single login to the main launcher program. The launcher will have some functions but will also launch the other executables without the need to login again.

I don't think TMS Securrity has anything to specifically help with this (please correct me if I am wrong) so what I am assuming is;

- when the launcher starts an exe it will pass the TuilSecurityManager CurrentUser & CurrentPassword to the exe

- the launched exe will use uilSecurityManager.Login(username,password) to automatically login

- all exes will use the same User, Groups & Group members tables

- each executable will have it's own Permissions table - mapped in the Security Manager bindery - to avoid clashes of form names

- I'm undecided whether the User Access & Group Access tables should be shared or unique

My question is if this is good approach or not? and if there is anything else that could cause problems?


Neil Parrish

If you want to handle login & security for multiple EXEs, that is indeed a good approach. You'll need to somehow persist the username/password that was entered in one EXE and then programmatically login in the other EXEs with this username/password to enforce the permission settings of that user on the new started EXE.