Money column

Hi TMS Support team,

I have a column in my grid that display a price (money). I want my column to have a "suffix = $" to show a "$" symbol at the right of the number.

I try to add a "TAdvMoneyEditInspectorEditLink" to my form and link it to my column, but I don't see it in the "EditLink" list ?

I add a TMoneyEditLink" and I can link it to my column, but I can't add a "suffix" ?

Is there something I do wrong ?

TAdvMoneyEditInspectorEditLink is for binding with TInspectorBar.
If you want to use TAdvMoneyEdit, use a TFormControlEditLink coupled with a TAdvMoneyEdit
Use of TFormControlEditLink is explained here:

I forget to specify that I use my grid is a TDBAdvGrid ? Does your solution works with a TDBAdvGrid ?

Yes, TDBAdvGrid descends from TAdvStringGrid.

Yess thanks, it works. But the control (money edit with my suffix) only show when I entre the column to edit. Is there a property to always show the value of the control (money with my suffix) in the grid ?

That should be handled by display format control.

I can't see that property for my column ?

It is a DB grid, in the first place, display format is controlled by the DBField.