mobile keyboard on edit crash

Hi, in mobile use on my webform happen that when i edit a webdbedit and keyboard show the form hide or crash ! can you have any idea what fire this problem ?

I cannot see this in any of our demos or test apps.
Please provide a sample source app + step by step instructions & detailed information to reproduce this.

try this on smartphone : RISTORD by Megagest
(Note in a PC windows go fine)

at login : user : demo pwd : demo

Click "Fai un ordine" at msg dlg -> SI
At the bottom of page click "Concludi ordine"
Click on "Asporto" and try to click in the edit field where say "Demo" : keyboard activate and it destroy page !

This form is created in frmMain.WebFormCreate(...) like this :
Application.CreateForm(TfrmConfOrd, pnlConfOrd.ElementID, frmConfOrd, Nil);
... and pnlConfOrd is a panel situated on a frmMain

I think is something caused by the panel "pnlConfOrd" that is hooked to main form ... i don't known exactly !

These steps do not match.
When I click "Conludi ordine", I get a messagedlg where I can only click OK

I asked to isolate and send a sample source project + clear steps with which we can reproduce a problem.