Missing TAdvSVGImageCollection in TMS VCL UI Pack?


after installing the update TAdvSVGImageCollection is not registered any more.
Is this a bug in the package oder have you moved the component to anaother product or was this only an local installation problem on my computer?



We did not remove this component.
Please verify in the IDE under Component / Install Packages that all 5 TMS VCL UI Pack packages are listed and active (checked).

I only have 4 +Bridge

I asked to look under IDE under Component / Install Packages as these 5 packages should be listed there AND active (checked)

Sorry, well, hiere:


Which one contains the SVG-Components?

We have seen this issue and have released v12.2.1.1 that addresses this.

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Thanks a lot for the quick response and solution!


in they are missing again :-(

Is package TMSVCLUIPackPkgExDXE14.bpl installed AND active in the IDE?
(see menu : Component / Install Packages)

We have seen an issue with the registration. We are currently working on an update.

Yes it seems to be the same issue as in last release. will fix this once & for all