Memory leak in TAdvGroupBox

Windows 10 x64, TMS, Delphi 10.4 update 1

There is a memory leak in TAdvGroupBox.

To reproduce:

  • Create a new project
  • Add a TAdvGroupBox
  • Run / close and notice the memory leak

Also there are warnings in AdvToolBar,pas
If you can fix those that would be nice because we like compiling our project with warnings as errors.

  • [dcc32 Warning] AdvToolBar.pas(30694): W1036 Variable 'Clr' might not have been initialized
  • [dcc32 Warning] AdvToolBar.pas(30694): W1036 Variable 'ClrTo' might not have been initialized
  • [dcc32 Warning] AdvToolBar.pas(30734): W1036 Variable 'BrClr' might not have been initialized
  • [dcc32 Warning] AdvToolBar.pas(30825): W1036 Variable 'TxtClr' might not have been initialized
  • [dcc32 Warning] AdvToolBar.pas(30699): W1036 Variable 'DwClr' might not have been initialized
  • [dcc32 Warning] AdvToolBar.pas(30699): W1036 Variable 'DwClrTo' might not have been initialized


Thanks for reporting. We fixed the memory leak.
With respect to the warnings, these are new Delphi 10.4 specific sensitivities. We'll look to hide these as well.

It will probably be what I have

Yes, we already fixed it. We will release an update.

I installed the version from 8 October 2020 of the VCL Pack. AdvGroupBox version
The error persists. Is it fixed in this version, or will it be in the next?

It is fixed in release v10.4.4.1

Thanks, it's okay