Markers.Add -> Hardcoded parameters

When adding a marker with specific parameters, the parameters are ignored because hardcoded within the function


function TMarkers.Add(Latitude, Longitude: Double; Title, Icon: string;

  Draggable, Visible, Clickable, Flat, InitialDropAnimation: Boolean; zIndex,

  IconWidth, IconHeight: Integer; IconZoomWidth: Integer = -1; IconZoomHeight: Integer = -1): TMarker;


  Result := Add(Latitude, Longitude, Title, Icon, false {Draggable}, true {Visible}, true {Clickable}, true {Flat}false {InitialAnimation}, 0, icDefault, IconWidth, IconHeight, IconZoomWidth, IconZoomHeight);



Can you please make sure to use the latest version v2.7 that was released today. There are no such hard-coded settings in the latest version.