Malfunction of ssMetro scrollbars on DBAdvGrid

I use the version Feb 2014 of the DBadvGrid.

When I change to ssMetro the ScrollType of the ScrollBars doesn`t work as expected.
The others ScrollTypes work fine.
Is a bug or I am doing something wrong?

I have retested this here with the latest version ( in the ADOEditing demo but couldn't see any issue. Can you please first test this with the latest version and if a problems persists, provide full & detailed information how a problem can be reproduced?

Thanks for your answer Bruno.

I have updated to the last version and I have tried whit the same demo you used, ADOEditing.
No matter what you select on ScrollBars and ScrollbarAlways, if you select the ssMetro, always both scrollbars appears. Why?
The horizontal scrollbar works fine, but the vertical scrollbars with DataSetType:= dtNonSequenced only produces a blinking of the data and with DataSetType:= dtSequenced it scrolls fine, but only shows the records of the visble page, while the rest of the grid is empty.

Can you help me please?

I could see under these circumstances (DataSetType = dtNonSequenced) that the vertical metro scrollbar displays incorrect. We'll investigate this.

Thanks Bruno

I hope there will be a solution.

No solution yet?

Sorry, for this specific scrollbar style & datasettype, we have not yet found a solution.

Thanks Bruno.

I hope that in new versions you can find the solution.