Look style and fixed cells


I'm trying to use glListView look but the following appears:

In design-time there are no black lines in the header (fixed cells) but in the runtime you can see them. How to remove them (goFixedVertLine and goFixedHorizLine are already set to false)?

If I select any other look type with FixedAsButtons = true I get this:

After I clicked on column headers 2,3 and 4 I get these additional lines around the fixed cell. Notice how the first and the last column are not changed since I didn't clicked them. If I click one column header (fixed cell) I would need all other columns to appear as not clicked.

And the last thing.. All other look types except glListView don't have mouse-over effect. Could you add it?

Is this with the latest version v6.2.6 as I could not reproduce this here, i.e. the appearance at design time is always the same as the appearance at runtime. 
If a problem persists with the latest version, could you please send some sample source project so we know all property settings and can investigate this deeper?

Just installed the latest version ( It's the same. All fixed cells have black rectangles on runtime.

I'm using C++ Builder XE2, Win7.

How to reproduce:
- New vcl forms app
- place TadvStringGrid on the form
- change Look property to glListView
- set goFixedVertLine and goFixedHorizLineto false.

In design-time all ok, but in runtime black rectangles.

Just tested and the same thing happens on Delphi XE2.

We traced & solved the issue. Next update of TAdvStringGrid will address this.

Now downloaded and installed the update and have this:

How to align horizontal lines of fixed cells and non-fixed?

It appears you have grid.AutoNumAlign = true to automatically have a right alignment for numeric values.
Other control over alignment is for all normal cells within a column via grid.Columns[colindex].Alignment and for fixed cells: grid.Columns[colindex].HeaderAlignment

I mean on the horizontal lines of fixed and non-fixed cells. They are not on the same level. Horizontal lines of non-fixed cells are a bit down. 

You seem to have set goFixedHorizLine to false, that means there is no horizontal line.
The gray line you see in the cell is a sort of shadow line that comes from the listview style (drawn via Windows theming API) and not the cell border, hence it doesn't align with regular cell borders on normal cells.