Login no longer working

Delphi XE2/Delphi 2007

Have just upgraded to latest version and now the login dialog no longer works on any applications compiled in either Delphi 2007 or Delphi XE2.  Enter user name and password  and nothing happens.......exits after 3 attempts.
What has changed.
Bill Zwirs

Did you test the demo app?

I cannot see any problem here with the demo app.
What exactly are you doing different from our demo app?


Not doing anything different.  Just tried your demo (admin/1 and simple/1) and get same result.....unable to log in. Forgot to mention that i'm using Firebird database.
Bill Zwirs


In the Firebird demo 'secuser' table the value set in the 'Enabled' field is '1'........this is the same as the firebird table in my projects. If I change the value to 'T', then it works fine and I am able to log in. If I create a new user then the 'Enabled' field is now set to a default of 'T'.  So it appears you have made a minor change in your source code. 
I'm quite happy to now stay with the default 'T' value for the 'Enabled' field. This is not a problem for me to change for the few customers I have. Not sure how other users of this component feel about that.  Please advise if there will be a change to the component.
Bill Zwirs 

A change was done to cover better databases that do not have boolean fields. So depending on the field type, it can now map booleans to numeric and text fields. Previously, it treated all fields as numeric fields and that caused for some databases problematic situations.

In the case of Firebird, the 'Enabled' field has always been a Char(1) field that was previosly set to the default value '1'. This has now changed to the default value 'T'. You may now want to change the 'Enabled' field in the demo database from '1' to 'T' so that it will work properly.

Bill Zwirs



I changed the uSecControl line 176 to this to get around that

      ftString, ftWideString:
        //cond := Fld.AsString <> 'T';
        cond := not CharInSet((Fld.AsString + 'N')[1],['T','1','Y']) ;
Would it be possible to put something like that in the next build?


that is a valuable suggestions, we'll improve it this way.