Livebinding in TMSFMXTableView in XE4

I finally got my XE4 and was looking at implementing a TMSFMXTableView with a Live Database via Livebinding. 

When I bring up the Visual Livebinding, I do not see anything on the TMSFMXTableView or TMSFMXTableViewEx which looks like Bindable Members. 

What should I do to be able to bind the Caption, BulbText and Description to my database fields ?


The caption is being set for each item, thus there is no Caption property on TMSFMXTableView level.
You will need to follow the tutorial in the documentation of the pack for firemonkey on how to set up a LiveBindings application.

Kind Regards, 


the guide is helpful. But I cannot get BulbText to work with LiveBindings. If I set in ColumnExpressions the ControlExpression to BulbText and the SourceExpression to AsString I get an error that BulbText is not available. Your help would be appreciated.

Kind regards


Currently, only Caption, Description and Bitmap are bindable members.

Kind Regards, 

Thanks for the info. Can I update the bulbtext via code during creation of item from livebinding?
