LibraryBrowser sub-categories

In the LibraryBrowse, each element are in their own category (classes, functions, variables and constants)
Is there a possiblity to add some custom sub-categories?

For example:
category: function
sub-category: string, math, date, etc...

Best regards

For now that is unfortunately not possible.

In object TatLibraryBrowser, there is the FGroupByLibraries property.
Can you check this property because i think it is not defined correctly?

When i set it to true, the librarybrowser is categorized by library name

Best regards

Yes, that's the expected behavior.

Yes but it doesn't work, FGroupByLibraries is never initialized!

Best regards

Yes, indeed, it's false by default and not published so users can't modify it. But you said you set it to true and it was not defined correctly. I'm not sure what you mean then.
You can modify fLibraryBrowser.pas source code and set such field to true. If you do, does it work and behave like you want?

Yes, when i set it to true (after modify source), it works!
I just wanted to let you know the problem.
Sorry for the misunderstood, my english is not very good ;-)

Best regards

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