Currently I use FTP to allow users to upload large files to server. But this requires extra management and not well integrated to xdata server. Can xdata handle a very large file in a single chuck?
Thank you in advance for your suggestions on this matter.
I have found some JS libraries to break a large file into chunks and upload but this again needs some serverside changes also. Also I believe that the file size during the transit will be enlarged due to encoding.
I like this approach - break it up into chunks and have the XData server reassemble the chunks. One of the benefits is that you then have the opportunity to provide a better progress indicator as you upload the chunks and can also provide a bit of fault tolerance or pause/resume/restart functionality as well.
Another option is to use the standard multipart/form-data MIME type. XData (more specifically, Sparkle) can receive requests sending such content-type, and it processes it in chunks to avoid using too much server memory:
I found a more popular resumable, multipart uploder:
Attached is the Sparkle ResumableUpload.pas that works with resumable.js library.
This is how I use it from my Xdata service:
IResumableUploadService = interface(IInvokable)
function TestChunk(ResumableIdentifier, ResumableFilename: string; ResumableChunkNumber: Integer): string;
function UploadChunk(Value: TStream): string;
function TResumableUploadService.TestChunk(ResumableIdentifier, ResumableFilename: string; ResumableChunkNumber: Integer): string;
UploadStatus: TResumableUploadStatus;
UploadStatus := ResumableUpload.TestChunk(ResumableIdentifier, ResumableFilename, ResumableChunkNumber);
if UploadStatus.StatusCode <> 200 then
raise EXDataHttpException.Create(UploadStatus.StatusCode, UploadStatus.StatusReason);
function TResumableUploadService.UploadChunk(Value: TStream): string;
ContentType: string;
UploadStatus: TResumableUploadStatus;
ContentType := Context.Request.Headers.Get('content-type');
UploadStatus := ResumableUpload.UploadChunk(Value, ContentType, 'C:\Users\test\Downloads', True);
if UploadStatus.StatusCode <> 200 then
raise EXDataHttpException.Create(UploadStatus.StatusCode, UploadStatus.StatusReason);
This is the my test.html modified from resumable.js:
<script src="resumable.js"></script>
var r = new Resumable({
target: '/UploadChunk',