LabelFont properties in advanced controls

I have observed that the LabelFont property on a control which has it does not update in the designer. I can't say that this is always the case, as I have seen it work in some cases. However, I can say that in many of my forms, which are actually:


Or similar, in construction, if I change the font color and weight, they do not update. The simplest way I have found to correct it is to Control-X then Control-V the form and fix the tab order.


Was retested here with a form with frame:

object Form4: TForm4
  Left = 0
  Top = 0
  Caption = 'Form4'
  ClientHeight = 575
  ClientWidth = 852
  Color = clBtnFace
  Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  Font.Color = clWindowText
  Font.Height = -16
  Font.Name = 'Courier New'
  Font.Style = []
  OldCreateOrder = False
  PixelsPerInch = 96
  TextHeight = 18
  inline Frame51: TFrame5
    Left = 96
    Top = 64
    Width = 551
    Height = 398
    TabOrder = 0
    ExplicitLeft = 96
    ExplicitTop = 64
    ExplicitWidth = 551
    ExplicitHeight = 398
    inherited AdvSmoothPanel1: TAdvSmoothPanel
      inherited AdvEdit1: TAdvEdit
        Height = 26
        ExplicitHeight = 26

but no issue can be seen. The TAdvEdit font & label font are updated when the main form's font is updated.
How exactly can this problem be reproduced?

I have tried without success to reproduce this in a small environment. Here is a form on which I experienced the problem yesterday:

object ctrlCTEClassesEditGeneral: TctrlCTEClassesEditGeneral
  Left = 0
  Top = 0
  Width = 860
  Height = 494
  TabOrder = 0
  object aspGeneral: TAdvSmoothPanel
    Left = 0
    Top = 0
    Width = 860
    Height = 494
    Cursor = crDefault
    Caption.Text = 'General'
    Caption.HTMLFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Caption.HTMLFont.Color = clWindowText
    Caption.HTMLFont.Height = -11
    Caption.HTMLFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
    Caption.HTMLFont.Style = []
    Caption.Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    Caption.Font.Color = clWindowText
    Caption.Font.Height = -16
    Caption.Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
    Caption.Font.Style = []
    Fill.Color = 16445929
    Fill.ColorTo = 15587527
    Fill.ColorMirror = 15587527
    Fill.ColorMirrorTo = 16773863
    Fill.GradientType = gtVertical
    Fill.GradientMirrorType = gtVertical
    Fill.BorderColor = 14922381
    Fill.Rounding = 10
    Fill.RoundingType = rtNone
    Fill.ShadowOffset = 0
    Fill.Glow = gmNone
    Version = ''
    Align = alClient
    TabOrder = 0
    object Label1: TLabel
      Left = 16
      Top = 218
      Width = 120
      Height = 28
      Alignment = taRightJustify
      AutoSize = False
      Caption = 'Competency Assessment Method (CA):'
      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
      Font.Color = clWindowText
      Font.Height = -11
      Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
      Font.Style = []
      ParentFont = False
      Transparent = True
      WordWrap = True
    object aochkCoOp: TAdvOfficeCheckBox
      Left = 462
      Top = 28
      Width = 53
      Height = 20
      TabOrder = 10
      TabStop = True
      OnClick = ComponentChange
      Alignment = taRightJustify
      Caption = 'Co-Op:'
      ReturnIsTab = False
      Version = ''
    object aorgpGradingPeriod: TAdvOfficeRadioGroup
      Left = 139
      Top = 277
      Width = 227
      Height = 85
      Version = ''
      Caption = 'Grading Period'
      ParentBackground = False
      TabOrder = 9
      TabStop = True
      OnClick = ComponentChange
      Columns = 2
      ItemIndex = 0
      Items.Strings = (
      Ellipsis = False
    object aspnCreditHours: TAdvSpinEdit
      Left = 140
      Top = 193
      Width = 70
      Height = 22
      Value = 0
      DateValue = 41088.443970694450000000
      HexValue = 0
      IncrementFloat = 0.100000000000000000
      IncrementFloatPage = 1.000000000000000000
      LabelCaption = 'Credit Hours:'
      LabelPosition = lpLeftCenter
      LabelTransparent = True
      LabelFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
      LabelFont.Color = clWindowText
      LabelFont.Height = -11
      LabelFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
      LabelFont.Style = []
      TabOrder = 6
      Visible = True
      Version = ''
      OnChange = ComponentChange
    object acmbCompetencyAssessment: TColumnComboBox
      Left = 140
      Top = 221
      Width = 226
      Height = 22
      AutoComplete = False
      Color = clWindow
      Version = ''
      Visible = True
      Columns = <
          Color = clWindow
          ColumnType = ctText
          Width = 0
          Alignment = taLeftJustify
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -11
          Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
          Font.Style = []
          Color = clWindow
          ColumnType = ctText
          Width = 25
          Alignment = taLeftJustify
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -11
          Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
          Font.Style = []
          Color = clWindow
          ColumnType = ctText
          Width = 150
          Alignment = taLeftJustify
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -11
          Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
          Font.Style = []
      ComboItems = <
          ImageIndex = -1
          Strings.Strings = (
          Tag = 0
          ImageIndex = -1
          Strings.Strings = (
            'Program leads to State License')
          Tag = 0
          ImageIndex = -1
          Strings.Strings = (
            'Program leads to National Certificate')
          Tag = 0
          ImageIndex = -1
          Strings.Strings = (
            'Program leads to State recognized certification')
          Tag = 0
          ImageIndex = -1
          Strings.Strings = (
            'Other method used to assess competency')
          Tag = 0
      EditColumn = 2
      EditHeight = 16
      DropWidth = 280
      DropHeight = 200
      DropDownCount = 10
      Enabled = True
      GridLines = True
      ItemIndex = 0
      LookupColumn = 0
      LabelFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
      LabelFont.Color = clWindowText
      LabelFont.Height = -11
      LabelFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
      LabelFont.Style = []
      ShowLookup = True
      SortColumn = 0
      TabOrder = 7
      OnChange = ComponentChange
    object acmbDOECode: TColumnComboBox
      Left = 140
      Top = 110
      Width = 226
      Height = 22
      AutoComplete = False
      Color = clWindow
      Version = ''
      Visible = True
      Columns = <
          Color = clWindow
          ColumnType = ctText
          Width = 0
          Alignment = taLeftJustify
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -11
          Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
          Font.Style = []
          Color = clWindow
          ColumnType = ctText
          Width = 50
          Alignment = taLeftJustify
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -11
          Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
          Font.Style = []
          Color = clWindow
          ColumnType = ctText
          Width = 150
          Alignment = taLeftJustify
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -11
          Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
          Font.Style = []
      ComboItems = <>
      EditColumn = 2
      EditHeight = 16
      DropWidth = 400
      DropHeight = 400
      DropDownCount = 10
      Enabled = True
      GridLines = True
      ItemIndex = -1
      LookupColumn = 0
      LabelCaption = 'DOE Code:'
      LabelPosition = lpLeftCenter
      LabelTransparent = True
      LabelFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
      LabelFont.Color = clWindowText
      LabelFont.Height = -11
      LabelFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
      LabelFont.Style = []
      ShowLookup = True
      SortColumn = 0
      TabOrder = 3
      OnChange = ComponentChange
    object aedtBuildingRoom: TAdvEdit
      Left = 504
      Top = 83
      Width = 240
      Height = 21
      EmptyTextStyle = []
      LabelCaption = 'Building/Room:'
      LabelPosition = lpLeftCenter
      LabelTransparent = True
      LabelFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
      LabelFont.Color = clWindowText
      LabelFont.Height = -11
      LabelFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
      LabelFont.Style = []
      Lookup.Separator = ';'
      Color = clWindow
      TabOrder = 12
      Visible = True
      OnChange = ComponentChange
      Version = ''
    object aedtMinimumSize: TAdvEdit
      Left = 504
      Top = 138
      Width = 100
      Height = 21
      EmptyTextStyle = []
      LabelCaption = 'Minimum Size:'
      LabelPosition = lpLeftCenter
      LabelTransparent = True
      LabelFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
      LabelFont.Color = clWindowText
      LabelFont.Height = -11
      LabelFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
      LabelFont.Style = []
      Lookup.Separator = ';'
      Color = clWindow
      TabOrder = 14
      Visible = True
      OnChange = ComponentChange
      Version = ''
    object aedtMaximumSize: TAdvEdit
      Left = 644
      Top = 138
      Width = 100
      Height = 21
      EmptyTextStyle = []
      LabelCaption = 'Max:'
      LabelPosition = lpLeftCenter
      LabelTransparent = True
      LabelFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
      LabelFont.Color = clWindowText
      LabelFont.Height = -11
      LabelFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
      LabelFont.Style = []
      Lookup.Separator = ';'
      Color = clWindow
      TabOrder = 15
      Visible = True
      OnChange = ComponentChange
      Version = ''
    object aedtTotalHours: TAdvEdit
      Left = 504
      Top = 192
      Width = 240
      Height = 21
      EmptyTextStyle = []
      LabelCaption = 'Total Hours:'
      LabelPosition = lpLeftCenter
      LabelTransparent = True
      LabelFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
      LabelFont.Color = clWindowText
      LabelFont.Height = -11
      LabelFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
      LabelFont.Style = []
      Lookup.Separator = ';'
      Color = clWindow
      TabOrder = 17
      Visible = True
      OnChange = ComponentChange
      Version = ''
    object aedtCost: TAdvEdit
      Left = 504
      Top = 219
      Width = 121
      Height = 21
      EmptyTextStyle = []
      LabelCaption = 'Cost:'
      LabelPosition = lpLeftCenter
      LabelTransparent = True
      LabelFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
      LabelFont.Color = clWindowText
      LabelFont.Height = -11
      LabelFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
      LabelFont.Style = []
      Lookup.Separator = ';'
      Color = clWindow
      TabOrder = 18
      Visible = True
      OnChange = ComponentChange
      Version = ''
    object acmbProgramCode: TColumnComboBox
      Left = 140
      Top = 82
      Width = 226
      Height = 22
      AutoComplete = False
      Color = clWindow
      Version = ''
      Visible = True
      Columns = <
          Color = clWindow
          ColumnType = ctText
          Width = 0
          Alignment = taLeftJustify
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -11
          Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
          Font.Style = []
          Color = clWindow
          ColumnType = ctText
          Width = 40
          Alignment = taLeftJustify
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -11
          Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
          Font.Style = []
          Color = clWindow
          ColumnType = ctText
          Width = 200
          Alignment = taLeftJustify
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -11
          Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
          Font.Style = []
      ComboItems = <>
      EditColumn = 1
      EditHeight = 16
      DropWidth = 300
      DropHeight = 400
      DropDownCount = 10
      Enabled = True
      GridLines = True
      ItemIndex = -1
      LookupColumn = 0
      LabelCaption = 'Program Code:'
      LabelPosition = lpLeftCenter
      LabelTransparent = True
      LabelFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
      LabelFont.Color = clWindowText
      LabelFont.Height = -11
      LabelFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
      LabelFont.Style = []
      ShowLookup = True
      SortColumn = 2
      TabOrder = 2
      OnChange = ComponentChange
    object aedtOldCategory: TAdvEdit
      Left = 140
      Top = 138
      Width = 226
      Height = 21
      EmptyTextStyle = []
      LabelCaption = 'Old Category:'
      LabelPosition = lpLeftCenter
      LabelTransparent = True
      LabelFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
      LabelFont.Color = clWindowText
      LabelFont.Height = -11
      LabelFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
      LabelFont.Style = []
      Lookup.Separator = ';'
      Color = clWindow
      Enabled = False
      ReadOnly = True
      TabOrder = 4
      Visible = True
      Version = ''
    object acmbClassCategory: TColumnComboBox
      Left = 140
      Top = 165
      Width = 226
      Height = 22
      AutoComplete = False
      Color = clWindow
      Version = ''
      Visible = True
      Columns = <
          Color = clWindow
          ColumnType = ctText
          Width = 0
          Alignment = taLeftJustify
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -11
          Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
          Font.Style = []
          Color = clWindow
          ColumnType = ctText
          Width = 50
          Alignment = taLeftJustify
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -11
          Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
          Font.Style = []
          Color = clWindow
          ColumnType = ctText
          Width = 150
          Alignment = taLeftJustify
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -11
          Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
          Font.Style = []
      ComboItems = <>
      EditColumn = 2
      EditHeight = 16
      DropWidth = 300
      DropHeight = 200
      DropDownCount = 10
      Enabled = True
      GridLines = True
      ItemIndex = -1
      LookupColumn = 0
      LabelCaption = 'Category:'
      LabelPosition = lpLeftCenter
      LabelTransparent = True
      LabelFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
      LabelFont.Color = clWindowText
      LabelFont.Height = -11
      LabelFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
      LabelFont.Style = []
      ShowLookup = True
      SortColumn = 0
      TabOrder = 5
      OnChange = ComponentChange
    object acmbNextClass: TColumnComboBox
      Left = 140
      Top = 249
      Width = 226
      Height = 22
      AutoComplete = False
      Color = clWindow
      Version = ''
      Visible = True
      Columns = <
          Color = clWindow
          ColumnType = ctText
          Width = 0
          Alignment = taLeftJustify
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -11
          Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
          Font.Style = []
          Color = clWindow
          ColumnType = ctText
          Width = 65
          Alignment = taLeftJustify
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -11
          Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
          Font.Style = []
          Color = clWindow
          ColumnType = ctText
          Width = 200
          Alignment = taLeftJustify
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -11
          Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
          Font.Style = []
      ComboItems = <>
      EditColumn = 2
      EditHeight = 16
      DropWidth = 400
      DropHeight = 400
      DropDownCount = 10
      Enabled = True
      GridLines = True
      ItemIndex = -1
      LookupColumn = 0
      LabelCaption = 'Next Class:'
      LabelPosition = lpLeftCenter
      LabelTransparent = True
      LabelFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
      LabelFont.Color = clWindowText
      LabelFont.Height = -11
      LabelFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
      LabelFont.Style = []
      ShowLookup = True
      SortColumn = 0
      TabOrder = 8
      OnChange = ComponentChange
    object acmbTeacher: TColumnComboBox
      Left = 504
      Top = 110
      Width = 241
      Height = 22
      AutoComplete = False
      Color = clWindow
      Version = ''
      Visible = True
      Columns = <
          Color = clWindow
          ColumnType = ctText
          Width = 0
          Alignment = taLeftJustify
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -11
          Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
          Font.Style = []
          Color = clWindow
          ColumnType = ctText
          Width = 200
          Alignment = taLeftJustify
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -11
          Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
          Font.Style = []
      ComboItems = <>
      EditColumn = 1
      EditHeight = 16
      DropWidth = 200
      DropHeight = 400
      DropDownCount = 10
      Enabled = True
      GridLines = True
      ItemIndex = -1
      LookupColumn = 0
      LabelCaption = 'Teacher:'
      LabelPosition = lpLeftCenter
      LabelTransparent = True
      LabelFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
      LabelFont.Color = clWindowText
      LabelFont.Height = -11
      LabelFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
      LabelFont.Style = []
      ShowLookup = True
      SortColumn = 0
      TabOrder = 13
      OnChange = ComponentChange
    object aedtClassName: TAdvEdit
      Left = 140
      Top = 28
      Width = 226
      Height = 21
      EmptyTextStyle = []
      LabelCaption = 'Name:'
      LabelPosition = lpLeftCenter
      LabelTransparent = True
      LabelFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
      LabelFont.Color = clRed
      LabelFont.Height = -11
      LabelFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
      LabelFont.Style = [fsBold]
      Lookup.Separator = ';'
      Color = clWindow
      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
      Font.Color = clWindowText
      Font.Height = -11
      Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
      Font.Style = []
      ParentFont = False
      TabOrder = 0
      Visible = True
      OnChange = ComponentChange
      Version = ''
    object aedtClassCode: TAdvEdit
      Left = 140
      Top = 55
      Width = 226
      Height = 21
      EmptyTextStyle = []
      LabelCaption = 'Class Code:'
      LabelPosition = lpLeftCenter
      LabelTransparent = True
      LabelFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
      LabelFont.Color = clRed
      LabelFont.Height = -11
      LabelFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
      LabelFont.Style = [fsBold]
      Lookup.Separator = ';'
      Color = clWindow
      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
      Font.Color = clWindowText
      Font.Height = -11
      Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
      Font.Style = []
      ParentFont = False
      TabOrder = 1
      Visible = True
      OnChange = ComponentChange
      Version = ''
    object aedtLengthDaily: TAdvSpinEdit
      Left = 504
      Top = 165
      Width = 70
      Height = 22
      Precision = 2
      SpinType = sptFloat
      Value = 0
      HexValue = 0
      FocusColor = clNone
      IncrementFloat = 0.100000000000000000
      IncrementFloatPage = 1.000000000000000000
      LabelCaption = 'Length, Daily:'
      LabelPosition = lpLeftCenter
      LabelTransparent = True
      LabelFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
      LabelFont.Color = clWindowText
      LabelFont.Height = -11
      LabelFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
      LabelFont.Style = []
      TabOrder = 16
      Visible = True
      Version = ''
      OnChange = ComponentChange
    object acmbConductingSchool: TColumnComboBox
      Left = 504
      Top = 55
      Width = 241
      Height = 22
      AutoComplete = False
      Color = clWindow
      Version = ''
      Visible = True
      Columns = <
          Color = clWindow
          ColumnType = ctText
          Width = 0
          Alignment = taLeftJustify
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -11
          Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
          Font.Style = []
          Color = clWindow
          ColumnType = ctText
          Width = 50
          Alignment = taLeftJustify
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -11
          Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
          Font.Style = []
          Color = clWindow
          ColumnType = ctText
          Width = 400
          Alignment = taLeftJustify
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -11
          Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
          Font.Style = []
      ComboItems = <>
      EditColumn = 2
      EditHeight = 16
      DropWidth = 480
      DropHeight = 400
      DropDownCount = 10
      Enabled = True
      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
      Font.Color = clWindowText
      Font.Height = -11
      Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
      Font.Style = []
      GridLines = True
      ItemIndex = -1
      LookupColumn = 0
      LabelCaption = 'Conducting:'
      LabelPosition = lpLeftCenter
      LabelTransparent = True
      LabelFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
      LabelFont.Color = clRed
      LabelFont.Height = -11
      LabelFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
      LabelFont.Style = [fsBold]
      ParentFont = False
      ShowLookup = True
      SortColumn = 0
      TabOrder = 11
      OnChange = ComponentChange
    object AdvGroupBox1: TAdvGroupBox
      Left = 504
      Top = 246
      Width = 194
      Height = 164
      Caption = 'Meeting Days:'
      TabOrder = 19
      TabStop = True
      object chkSunday: TAdvOfficeCheckBox
        Left = 12
        Top = 20
        Width = 81
        Height = 20
        TabOrder = 0
        TabStop = True
        OnClick = chkDayClick
        Alignment = taLeftJustify
        Caption = 'Sunday'
        ReturnIsTab = False
        Version = ''
      object chkMonday: TAdvOfficeCheckBox
        Left = 12
        Top = 40
        Width = 81
        Height = 20
        TabOrder = 1
        TabStop = True
        OnClick = chkDayClick
        Alignment = taLeftJustify
        Caption = 'Monday'
        ReturnIsTab = False
        Version = ''
      object chkTuesday: TAdvOfficeCheckBox
        Left = 12
        Top = 60
        Width = 81
        Height = 20
        TabOrder = 2
        TabStop = True
        OnClick = chkDayClick
        Alignment = taLeftJustify
        Caption = 'Tuesday'
        ReturnIsTab = False
        Version = ''
      object chkWednesday: TAdvOfficeCheckBox
        Left = 12
        Top = 80
        Width = 81
        Height = 20
        TabOrder = 3
        TabStop = True
        OnClick = chkDayClick
        Alignment = taLeftJustify
        Caption = 'Wednesday'
        ReturnIsTab = False
        Version = ''
      object chkThursday: TAdvOfficeCheckBox
        Left = 12
        Top = 100
        Width = 81
        Height = 20
        TabOrder = 4
        TabStop = True
        OnClick = chkDayClick
        Alignment = taLeftJustify
        Caption = 'Thursday'
        ReturnIsTab = False
        Version = ''
      object chkFriday: TAdvOfficeCheckBox
        Left = 12
        Top = 120
        Width = 81
        Height = 20
        TabOrder = 5
        TabStop = True
        OnClick = chkDayClick
        Alignment = taLeftJustify
        Caption = 'Friday'
        ReturnIsTab = False
        Version = ''
      object chkSaturday: TAdvOfficeCheckBox
        Left = 12
        Top = 140
        Width = 81
        Height = 20
        TabOrder = 6
        TabStop = True
        OnClick = chkDayClick
        Alignment = taLeftJustify
        Caption = 'Saturday'
        ReturnIsTab = False
        Version = ''
      object chkMonFri: TAdvOfficeCheckBox
        Left = 121
        Top = 20
        Width = 69
        Height = 20
        TabOrder = 7
        TabStop = True
        OnClick = chkMonFriClick
        Alignment = taLeftJustify
        Caption = 'Mon-Fri'
        ReturnIsTab = False
        Version = ''
      object chkSatSun: TAdvOfficeCheckBox
        Left = 121
        Top = 40
        Width = 69
        Height = 20
        TabOrder = 8
        TabStop = True
        OnClick = chkSatSunClick
        Alignment = taLeftJustify
        Caption = 'Sat-Sun'
        ReturnIsTab = False
        Version = ''
      object chkAllDays: TAdvOfficeCheckBox
        Left = 121
        Top = 60
        Width = 69
        Height = 20
        TabOrder = 9
        TabStop = True
        OnClick = chkAllDaysClick
        Alignment = taLeftJustify
        Caption = 'Every Day'
        ReturnIsTab = False
        Version = ''

I will continue to try to reproduce the problem with a sequence of steps. If I can do so, I will let you know.