I have compiled and run the Web Core Kanban Board Demo. It looks OK on the screen but does nothing much.
When I open UDemo.pas in Delphi 10.2 I see two tabs at the bottom of the Unit1.pas page: Code and History. There is no tab for Design.
If I build a new web project and add a TMSFNCKanbanBoard to the form, I now see at the bottom of the Unit1.pas page four tabs: Unit1.pas, Unit1.html, Design, and History.
1. Why does the demo not display a Design tab?
2. If I close and the reopen the new web project Unit1.pas, then the Unit1.html no longer shows up at bottom of the Unit1.pas page. Any idea why this is happening?
This is because it has been written as one code-base for a VCL, FMX, LCL and Web based application. The conditional defines make the IDE not interpret the form used for the designer.
I have this problem with all the files of my project.
If I create a new form, the first time I show the designer, the tab for HTML is here.
After saving the file, this tab disappears forever.
No one of the forms in the project has this HTML tab in the bottom right part of the editor.
This has not been a problem since now, but I just installed the 2.6 beta, and I want to see the HTML design in the same designer as the "VCL" components.
How can I make the designer show the HTML view with the Delphi components.?