JQWidgets ElementFont property

Hi there

Shouldn't all of the JQWidgets controls have ElementFont visible in the Inspector or be defaulted to efCSS?
Presumably JQWidgets should get the font from their themes css, and the font style in the container is pretty unuseful (including the color).

Also, if you allow me the suggestion, for all the container control elements it keeps repeating the following inline style, unnecessarily:

overflow: hidden; cursor: default; outline: none; box-sizing: border-box; user-select: none; -webkit-tap-highlight-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);

imo it should have a common container class="tms_container" with all of these css props in one css class.

I realize that this doesn't affect the network traffic since the html is created on the run, but it would look more cleaner.


Thank you for your suggestions.
We'll investigate if this can be improved in the future.