This issue has been fixed.
The update will be available with the next release of the TMS IW Component Pack.

Outra coisa que observei também é que ao colar um texto também ele não transfere para uppercase.

Ex. Copio um texto de qualquer outro lugar em minusculo e colo na iwadvedit e não transforma em maiusculo.
Quando a atualização estará disponível? tem idéia de quanto tempo existirá a solução para este problema?

sorry for the nag, but i think it would be best for everybody if we write in english.
it could also help when we run a search.

sorry, and thank you for your help Bart

Another thing I also noticed is that when pasting text also does not transfer it to uppercase.

Eg I copy text from anywhere else lowercased and iwadvedit lap in turns and not capitalized.
When the update is available? have any idea how long it will exist a solution to this problem?

This issue was also resolved with the previous fix.
Unfortunately there's currently no fixed date available for the next update of the TMS IW Component Pack.