Items order display in planner type plDayPeriod


I have a DPPlanner (planertype : plDayPriod) with several items in the same day. If i modify the start time (and en time) of a item, the display order of the items dont change (it is the creation order). Ii it possible to modify  the display order of each item following the start time of each item ?

My version of DBPlanner is

Thank jou in advance.


Are you referring to order of conflicting items? Or?
The order of creation has an influence on conflict resolution and the ordering for this conflict resolution and of course also start & end time. The Planner tries to find the optimal placement of items to have the minimum of conflicts in the first place.

Hi Bruno,

I have a problem with the ordering. I have 2 planners connected to the same table.

In the plDay Planner the items are ordered like this :

Example :

Item 1 : BRACUART - Start Time 8H00 End Time 9h30
Item 2 : SCHMITT/MIKOS - Start Time 9H30 End Time 11h00
Item 3 : EBERLING - Start Time 11H00 End Time 13h00
Item 4 : DUVAL - Start Time 13H00 End Time 15h00
Item 5 : GERARDIN - Start Time 15H00 End Time 17h00

The items are ordered in the good order (start time)

But in the plDayPeriod the items are ordered like this :

Item 1 : BRACUART - Start Time 8H00 End Time 9h30
Item 5 : GERARDIN - Start Time 15H00 End Time 17h00
Item 3 : EBERLING - Start Time 11H00 End Time 13h00
Item 2 : SCHMITT/MIKOS - Start Time 9H30 End Time 11h00
Item 4 : DUVAL - Start Time 13H00 End Time 15h00

If y move an item in the plDay planner the plDayPeriod is not updated

Note :

The items are created in the plDayPeriod planner and moved/modified in the the plDay planner.

If you want i can send you a screen copy of the application.

Thank you.


I assume in DayPeriod mode, all items are in the same day slot?

In DayPeriod, it will only take the date part in account, not the time and further, order of items in the dataset will also influence position calculation in conflicting items. This conflict calculation can unfortunately not be parameterized.