Issue with TAdvSearchEdit and TAdvInputTaskDialog

RadStudio (Delphi) 10.2.3
VCL Component Pack

There is an issue when using TAdvSearchEdit as the InputControl of a TAdvInputTaskDialog.

If the focus is on the TAdvSearchEdit when the title bar close button ("[X]") is clicked, then an exception is raised with "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window".

(I tried it with a TEdit and TComboBox and closing with [X] works properly)

 object AdvInputTaskDialog1: TAdvInputTaskDialog
    CommonButtons = [cbOK, cbCancel]
    DefaultButton = 0
    FooterColor = 15790320
    FooterTextColor = clWindowText
    InputControl = advSrchEdt1
    InputType = itCustom
    Left = 512
    Top = 72


Thanks for reporting.
We traced & solved this issue. The next update will address this.