Issue with DBKey in MultiMonthSource/plMultiMonth


I have a MultiMonthSource setup and my TDBPlanner set to MyPlanner.Mode.PlannerType = plMultiMonth.
Setup: An item which spans from e.g. January 28. to February 2.
If I doubleclick the part of the appointment that is displayed in January I can get the Item.DBKey (attached pics mark A1 and A2) but if I doubleclick the second half of the appointment displayed in February the Item.DBKey is empty (attached pics marked B1 and B2).
Is this something I have set up in a wrong way? If not or could you provide a fix quickly as my users can't open an appointment unless they find the beginning of the appointment (not good if projects spans several months).
Kind regards

Now with links:

Check if PlannerItem.ParentItem is assigned and if so, get the key from 


Hi Bruno

That worked, apparently I can use Item.ParentItem.DBKey in any case instead of just Item.DBKey.
But now I have run into another issue (hopefully just me again).
Same program. If I have an item that spans New Year then none of the child-items are displayed.
Attached is one ranging from December 4th 2012 to January 4th 2013 but only the item in January is displayed. The same if I make an item range from November 4th 2012 to January 4th 2013, the item will only be displayed in November. What am I missing?
Kind regards

Are you looking one month at a time or all months simultaneously where this event is happening?


I am looking at all months +1 in the attached example. The program is in Danish, but the item I am highlighting should stretch until February 4th 2013.
I have tried creating one in February 2013 and let it stretch until December 2013 and all child-items show, no matter how many months I'm looking at, at once, so it looks like its only a problem when crossing New Years.

I have made a small quick and dirty version of the issue: (exe and database) (source-code)
Examples of the issue, very apparent in the january picture:
Hope this helps.
Also My table and data (i have tried startdate and enddate as DATETIME with no change):
DROP TABLE multimonth;
CREATE TABLE multimonth (
  headline VARCHAR(30),
  basetext VARCHAR(200),
  startdate DATE,
  enddate DATE,
  PRIMARY KEY IndexName (entryid NOCASE)
INSERT INTO multimonth (entryid, headline, basetext, startdate, enddate) values (1, 'Test of single month', 'Test of single month. February 6th to February 8th 2013', '2013-02-06', '2013-02-08');
INSERT INTO multimonth (entryid, headline, basetext, startdate, enddate) values (2, 'Test of 3 month span', 'Span from February 10th to May 15th 2013.', '2013-02-10', '2013-05-15');
INSERT INTO multimonth (entryid, headline, basetext, startdate, enddate) values (3, 'Span from 2012 to 2013', 'From December 5th 2012 to January 20th 2013.', '2012-12-05', '2013-01-20');
INSERT INTO multimonth (entryid, headline, basetext, startdate, enddate) values (4, 'Span from 2012 to 2013', 'Span from November 20th to February 10th 2013', '2012-11-20', '2013-02-10');

Hi Bruno

I was wondering if you have had time to look at my example?
Kind regards

Sorry, excessive workload prevented me from looking into this so far.