is it possible to map stored procedure or functon?


is it possible to map stored procedure or function in sql server Database?

I'm looking for a similar feature - to be able to map to a view in Firebird - even if only read only, for reporting purposes.There is no support for views in Data Modeler.

What you can do is use [Table] attribute and give it the name of a view instead of a table. It should work.

what is about  mapping stored procedure?

If the stored procedure can be selected as a view, it should follow the same approach? What is your suggestion, how would you want to use the stored propcedure?

we use it for reporting purpose, How to pass the parameters?

How would you want to pass the parameters? At what point in code? What are the parameter values be based on?

How would you want to pass the parameters?

 storedPro.paramByname('ParamName').asstring := value;
 At what point in code?
Before the Execution
What are the parameter values be based on?
Fields Datatypes in the Database

e.g. we have stored procedure in the Database Like :
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[sp_rpt_ChartOfAccount] 
@AccCode Varchar(20),
@FromAccCode Varchar(20),
@ToAccCode Varchar(20),
L.Code LIKE @AccCode + '%'
AND L.Code Between @FromAccCode          AND    
@ToAccCode + 'zz'

I would like to execute this SQL and get the result

Select GetFirstFreePosition(10);

There is a parameter ("10"), but don't know how to pass it to aurelius. Should I just execute this via normal DB components?

No, only parameterless stored procedures. There is no way to pass parameters to stored procedures in Aurelius as if they were tables.

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