iOs how to...

I just tried to use Aurelius in an ios firemonkey mobile project. So I added the classes and what is needed to my application, created all the required obejcts and so on.
Then compiled it for the target platform win32 for testing - works.

Now i wanted to compile and run on an ios device, so i set the target platform to my ios device and tried to compile.

It does not find any of the aurelius units.

Could you tell me, what is the required way to make aurelius compile for an ios target?
That would also be a valuable topic for the documentation...

Best wishes,

Hello Dirk,

you need to add directories "{aurelius}\source\core" and "{aurelius}\source\drivers" to iOS library path in Delphi environment tools. "{aurelius}" is the folder where you installed Aurelius to.
Indeed is something that the installer could do already, we will manage to fix that.
