Intraweb for XE3

I have just upgraded from the TMS component pack to TMS Component Studio mainly so I could use the TMS Intraweb controls in Delphi XE3.

But trying to install using the subscription manager does not give the option for IW14 for Delphi XE3.

How do I install IW14?

Dave Craggs

The automatic installer is not yet recognizing IntraWeb 14.

You can download after login under "My products" the registered version distribution for manual install. Follow the steps in INSTALL.TXT to complete the install under XE3/IW14

Tried that, am getting the error:

The procedure entry point @$xp$17Iwtypes@TIWCursor could not be located in the dynamic link library iw14tmsdxe3.bpl.

The version of Intraweb installed is 14.2.


Do you have multiple versions of the IW14TMS*.bpl files around on your system or multiple IntraWeb *.bpl files?

Please verify this and cleanup, make sure ONLY ONE set of IntraWeb packages & TMS IntraWeb packages are around.
The error you see is typical for a package file used by the IDE that was compiled against a different version of the IntraWeb package than the one that is loaded & used in the IDE.