Installing Web Core with multilple versions of RAD Studio has issue.

I have both 11 and 12 Rad Studio installed. The Tools | Options | TMS Web | Options setting Installation directory is set to the last setup that was run. In this case, RS12 was installed first and RS11 install 2nd. The install folder for RS11 and RS12 are the same.
C:\Users\Jay\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS WEB Core RSXE14
Should be
C:\Users\Jay\AppData\Local\tmssoftware\registered\TMS WEB Core RSXE15
When I change to 15, RS11 will use 15 when is should use 14. That setting needs to be per RS install.

Settings are at this moment indeed shared. The idea is that the compiler/framework is the same regardless of the IDE and thus, the majority wants to manage the settings globally for every TMS WEB Core setup. Which makes also the migration between Delphi versions easier.


I can see the logic, but if that is the case there should only be one source base and not one per RS install. No 14 and 15, just TMS WEB Core RSXE. This also makes it difficult to run different versions of Web Core on different IDEs versions but not impossible, you just need to change that path depending on the IDE version.

I'll check with the team what can be best done as we transition to TMS Smart Setup to install.