Install to second IDE on same PC

On a Win 7 x64 PC I have Rad Studio XE and XE2 installed.

I have downloaded today containing setup.exe of 28/12/2012.
XE has the TMS suite installed from sometime in 2012.
I want to install TMS to XE2.  Opening the current setup.exe for TMS leads to an attempt to reinstall TMS on Rad8.0 (XE). I have no option to install to Rad9.0 (XE2).
Please advise.

Can you:
1) verify you’re not using a Delphi starter edition, automatic install with the starter edition is not possible (starter limitation)

2) verify that you use our installer from the same Windows user account as the account with which you installed Delphi

3) try to run the installer as admin if this would be a rights issue

Thanks for your reply Nancy. I do not have "Starter". I am the same user in both installs. It is not a rights issue.

I installed TMS Pack earlier to D2010 
I recently downloaded a fresh install package from TMS and started to install this into XE2 which is on the same box.
After entering my name and SerNo the install program suggested I install to my D2010 component folder. I wanted to install to my XE2 component folder. Before I changed the destination folder, a message poped up saying "TMS Component Pack is already installed, please uninstall first. Proceed to first uninstall prev version?"
This concerned me, so I stopped and asked you here in this forum.
Today I repeated this and at the warning I pressed "No, do not uninstall", and went to the next uninstall screen. There it asked me to select the Rad Studio packages I wanted to install to.
So the problem is my reaction to your warning message - the "warning" is premature and needs re-thinking. Do you agree?

In the next to last para it should be "...went to the next install screen."

To avoid version conflicts, the installer will by default try to install one single version for all IDEs found, that is the recommended procedure. Also from a support perspective, it is most efficient to just deal with one and the latest version.

On reflection Bruno, I think you are correct. I agree with your statement here. But there is a bit more here.On the PC I used there are D2010, XE and XE2 installed and an older TMS is installed only in D2010. So the message "TMS is already installed ... please uninstall it..." is almost misleading as TMS is installed only in 1 of 3. It is not misleading as the staement is true. Is it worth the effort to change the warning to "TMS is installed in N of M installations. We suggest you uninstall it ..."

I do not want to fuss. Thanks for a good set of components for us Delphi users.