InPLace Edit for TAdvDirectoryTreeView

Hello agian,

while my Drag & Drop functons are working fine, i have problems with InPlace Editing.
I want to rename Files in the TreeView.
When i use the MouseEditMode tmemSingleClick or tmemDoubleClick i am able to edit the Node but when the MouseEditMode is set to tmemSingleClickOnSelectedNode, nothing happens.
I use the double Clicks to open the files and would like to use tmemSingleClickOnSelectedNode for editing as it is the most intuitive way.
Im using Rad Studio XE5. Are there any suggestions which property could interfere with this function?



the tmemSingleClickOnSelectedNode is working as expected here. First select a node, and then click again on the selected node to start editing. If you have different experiences, please send us a sample, sample code that demonstrates this issue.

How shall i send u the files?
I copied the TreeView from the actual project but the issue remains.

You can send the project to with a link to this forum post.