Incompatibility TMS Pack for FireMonkey and Fast R


Under Delphi XE3, I just experienced an "incompatibility" between TMS Pack for FireMonkey and Fast Reports 4. When I try to re-open a saved report in a project, I get an error "Cannot find class TfrxReport".

FastReport support told me to uninstall TMS components, I first uninstalled other components, but the errors reappered each time. As soon as I uninstalled TMS Pack for FireMonkey, Fast Reports works as desired, saved reports can be opened without error.

I double-checked this now twice, I simply can't use both components sets in parallel.

Any idea?



I just got another answer from Fast Report support, they are working on a possible solution, which will eventually be available tomorrow Feb. 17, 2013.

Sorry, Feb 27, 2013


I have seen this as well. I don't think it is a TMS issue.

I find that you open up a Delphi project and then open a form with a FAST reports component I get this error.

If I open a project and then open up a form without a fast report component and then open the form with the Fast Report component it is then OK.

It seems you have to open a normal form without a fast reports component before you open a form with one.

Glad they are working on it, I am working around this issue for now.



version 4.13.5 of Fast Reports does solve the problem ("current version" on download page, did not try "stable version")

@Hughes Greg: thanks for the workaround, BTW.

Only flaw I saw, may be it relies on my VM: now the FR reports take some time to load in the run time designer.
