Images added with AddImageIdx do not print

PrintGraphics is true, but the images added with the AddImageIdx() method are not printed. These images do display properly on-screen.

Are there other settings that need to be changed?

Did you add the picture to the cell combined with text and if so, with the flag haBeforeText or haAfterText?

Yes, the image is combined with text. I am using the haLeft tag since I want the image to appear at the left side of the cell.

The call (C++) is: GridResult->AddImageIdx(ABS_COL_TIME, iAbsRow - 1, iImage, haLeft, vaCenter);

I tried making the call with haBeforeText instead of haLeft, but I am still getting incorrect behaviour:

- on-screen, the graphic now appears to the immediate left of the text instead of at the left edge of the cell (I want the latter).
- when printing, the graphic does print, but at the left edge of the cell (which is what I want, but different from what appears on-screen, namely to the immediate left of the text).
- on-screen, the graphic is no longer centred vertically (vaCenter not honoured?) - it bleeds off the bottom of the cell.
- when printed, the graphic bleeds off the top of the cell. There is no bleeding off the bottom of the cell when there is a cell below.
- graphics in the bottom row of the grid also bleed off the bottom of the cell.

I also tried using AddPicture instead of AddImageIdx, but now the printed rows are expanded vertically to fit the original full size of the image/bitmap. If I use the Shrink or ShrinkWithAspectRatio options in AddPicture, the images are shrunk to the appropriate size to match the reduced font size, but the row height is still expanded vertically. It is as if the row height is computed based on the original size of the graphic instead of the reduced size once it has been scaled down to match the font.

Note that haLeft alignment works properly when using AddPicture (i.e. the graphic appears at the left of the cell in both the on-screen and printed versions). Recall that haLeft alignment does not produce printed images when AddImageIdx is used to add the image.
- on-screen, the graphic now appears to the immediate left of the text instead of at the left edge of the cell (I want the latter).

It's not clear what you mean. I see in both cases the glyph at the left side of the cell.

I retested this with both NoAutoSizeRow = true & false, but with vaCenter option, I see both on screen and in printout the glyph vertically centered.

I could also not see a "bleeding ff the bottom" when vertical alignment setting is vaBottom.

I can only assume things must be related to specific settings. If a problem persists, can you try to isolate this and provide some sample source project with which we can reproduce the problem?

Is there a mechanism to attach code, screen captures, etc? I cannot seem to find any way to do this.

No, if you want to send this, send this by direct email to support.